About Me

I am Renjie Liang, an incoming PhD student at the University of Florida. I served as a research associate at Nanyang Technological University, collaborating with Prof. Aixin Sun. Prior to that, I worked as a research intern under the guidance of Prof. Tat-Seng Chua and research fellow. Wei Ji. I completed my Master’s degree at Sun Yat-sen University, China in 2020, and my Bachelor’s degree at Central South University, China in 2017. My research interests are centered around information retrieval, multimodal understanding, and AI for healthcare.

Work Experiences

2023. April - Present Research Associate, S-Lab, NTU
  • Supervised by Prof. Aixin Sun
  • Proposed a novel task, Ranked Video Moment Retrieval, and curated the TVR-Ranking dataset.
2022. March - 2023. April Research Intern, NExT++, NUS
  • Under the guidance of Prof. Tat-Seng Chua and Postdoctoral Fellow Wei Ji.
  • Focused on information retrieval for multimodal data.


please refer to google scholar page to check all my publications. (* Equal Contribution)

TVR-Ranking: A Dataset for Ranked Video Moment Retrieval with Imprecise Queries
Renjie Liang, Li Li, Chongzhi Zhang, Jing Wang, Xizhou Zhu, Aixin Sun
Efficient Temporal Sentence Grounding in Videos with Multi-Teacher Knowledge Distillation
Renjie Liang , Yiming Yang, Hui Lu, Li Li
Partial Annotation-based Video Moment Retrieval via Iterative Learning
Wei Ji, Renjie Liang, Lizi Liao, Hao Fei, Fuli Feng
ACM MM 2023  
Are Binary Annotations Sufficient? Video Moment Retrieval via Hierarchical Uncertainty-based Active Learning
Wei Ji, Renjie Liang, Zhedong Zheng, Wenqiao Zhang, Shengyu Zhang, Juncheng Li, Mengze Li, Tat-Seng Chua
CVPR 2023  

Honors and Awards


Program Committee Member of ACM MM (2023) .


Incoming University of Florida, USA
  • Supervised by Prof. Jie Xu
  • Research on AI for healthcare
2018. September - 2020. June Sun Yat-sen University, China
  • Master of Computer Science
2013. September - 2017. June Central South University, China
  • Bachelor of Mining Engineering